
11 Jan, 2018

January is THE time to do these things

By |January 11th, 2018|Financial advice, Savings|0 Comments

January is a difficult month, financially speaking. Many families are dealing with the aftermath of the holidays.

You are probably dreading that credit card bill in your mailbox or you are avoiding logging in to your bank account so you don’t see the red.

But January is also the perfect time to start things on the right

29 Nov, 2017

What is Financial Literacy ?

By |November 29th, 2017|Financial advice, Money & Society|0 Comments

Did you know that November is Financial Literacy Month ?

This month, organizations from across the country are encouraged to host events and share resources to help Canadians learn how to better manage their personal finances.  This year’s theme is “Take charge of your finances” and it’s aimed at encouraging Canadians to learn how to better manage

27 Mar, 2017

Spring Clean Your Financial House

By |March 27th, 2017|Financial advice, Money & Society|0 Comments

As the old saying goes “Cluttered space is a cluttered mind”. The same applies to your finances. When you are lacking coherent organization or you have a messy financial system, it can lead to poor financial decisions. That’s because you are unclear about where you stand, you don’t know what bills are due or overdue,

1 Mar, 2017

The Importance of Being a Financially Empowered Woman

By |March 1st, 2017|Financial advice, Money & Society|Comments Off on The Importance of Being a Financially Empowered Woman

Historically speaking, women have not been the main breadwinners of the family. Consequently, we didn’t have the responsibility to take care of the household finances. However, women have been holding full-time jobs for the past 50-60 years, without necessarily sharing the responsibility to manage the household finances.

In my coaching practice, I often work with women