Debt Management

What is Financial Literacy ?

Did you know that November is Financial Literacy Month ?

This month, organizations from across the country are encouraged to host events and share resources to help Canadians learn how to better manage their personal finances.  This year’s theme is “Take charge of your finances” and it’s aimed at encouraging Canadians to learn how to better manage

The Home Equity Line of Credit: a double-edged sword

In recent years, lenders have been consistently recommending the homeowner’s line of credit (HLOC) to consumers. On the surface, it looks like a great financial product since it gives homeowners quick access to their home equity at a low interest rate (3-4%). The line of credit can then be used for

Winter is almost here… Time to snowball your debt!

Remember my post “The Good, the bad and the ugly…debt” ?

I mentionned at the end of it that I’ll write a follow-up article about how to attack your debt.
My plan was to discuss a debt repayment method called Debt Snowball, made famous by Dave Ramsey.

Well, instead of reinventing the wheel, I will refer you to this amazing summary of